

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mech Model Update

Here is an updated version of the Mech suit that I have been working on. I am loving how it is turning out. It is still all a Maya model I am working on getting it to Z Brush to get a high poly model to form a Normal map for the model. As you can see the model is coming along and has a couple nice new additions that really make the model have an extra little pizaz.

So far the new additions are, well the other half of the model for one, as well as some nice wires that run through the model. Lastly I modeled the cockpit chair with two joystick style controls so the model makes some movement for it actually make sense. The wires were done using a wire jumbling script that creates wires in a relative area using NURBS curves.

The model itself is coming along great and the plan is to have it finished up soon. I plan to take the back pack for the chain gun ammo and connect it to the actual guns. I am most proud that the low poly count is under 10,000 which is very good compared to what I normally do. Normally my poly-count is around 40,000 which inst to bad for animation but I need to start trying to keep my models under 10,000 if I can.

I am enjoying the project so far and think that this will be a main addition to my reel and hope to make it look as realistic as possible. It really reminds me of the movie Aliens which is what I was kind of going for and the model actually makes sense.

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